Your Parts Distributor network for all IT-Parts
in Europe, MiddleEast & Africa
Your success is our motivation by day!
The wide range of official authorizations as a parts-distributor for all main brands in the worldwide IT-market,
gives us a leading role in Europe, MiddleEast & Africa.
Based on our excellent knowledge, logistics and warehouse management, we meet the expectation of the
needs, for all our customers and partners.
If we can help to make your business more efficent and profitable with our solutions & services,
don't wait to contact us!
We are ready!

PartsGroupEurope GmbH
PartsGroupEurope GmbH
Otto-Lilienthal-Strasse 36
D-71034 Böblingen
Phone: +49 7031 714 998-0
Fax: +49 7031 714 705
Skype: pge-skype